How is multiple Sclerosis associated With Back Pain

Brain Lesions Cancer :

Multiple Sclerosis is a very painful condition that worsens progressively and affects the sensory and motor neurons. The remission cycles that occur worsen the condition and growth the level of pain felt by the patient. What causes this condition is still unclear any way many experts are of the notion that the condition is a effect of a viral infection which plays a vital role in the improvement of the said condition of multiple sclerosis.

People suffering from this condition will touch severe back pain. any way the condition also severely affects the brain which follows down to the spinal cord. Once the infection has had time to set in the process of degeneration takes off and starts eating through the myelin sheath, which is primarily a principles of nerves that cover the cells. This infection like performance causes string of patches of the sclerotic tissues. These patches may impair the condition to some extent which later reaches the motor nerve impulses.

Brain Lesions Cancer

How would I know if I have multiple Sclerosis?

Brain Lesions Cancer :How is multiple Sclerosis associated With Back Pain

Just look for the symptoms. These symptoms would comprise weakness, intolerance to heat, ataxia, blurred vision, nystagmus, diplopic, tremors, impairment to the senses, speech scan, optic neuritis, tremor intentions, paralysis, euphoria sensations, incontinence urine, unable to control the body.

How to find out if you have multiple Sclerosis?

To know if you have multiple Sclerosis for sure you will need to seek the help of a professional. any way there are a few symptoms you can look out for that should give you an idea if you have multiple Sclerosis. The most common symptoms of Multi Sclerosis comprise weakness, intolerance to heat, blurred vision, ataxia (the inability to control the coordination and movement of your muscles), having a problem with your sensations, nystagmus (it's an involuntary movement that effects the eyes and causes it to move from side to side. This is usually caused due to the weakening of the visual and other nerves behind the eyeball), optic neuritis, little or ultimate euphoria sensations, urine problems, feeling of numbness you may also feel powerless and some problem movement.

What is Diplopia?

Diplopic is also called diplopia which causes duplicate vision. The duplicate vision is caused because the body isn't able to coordinate the movement of the eyes. Optic neuritis is other condition that affects the eyes during Multi Sclerosis.

How is multiple Sclerosis Detected?

Mri tests, Csf, Ct, Emg etc are used to detect and confirm the nearnessy of multiple Sclerosis. Once the nearnessy of protein intake growth is detected it means that the body's Wbc is present and curative management is considered.

Once the nearnessy of multiple sclerosis is detected the curative medicine involves a spoton diet along with controlled exercises, corporal therapy, speech therapy along with a host of medicines etc. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant that is often prescribed to patients suffering from this condition. A medication with a high attentiveness of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide such as Maalox is also prescribed. These medicines help in raising the body's level of the natural nutrients that are required to ensure permissible function.

Would you like more facts on back pain relief and solutions?
There are many websites online that supply you with the facts you need on back pain. Be sure to do your due diligence and all the time consult with a doctor for any curative needs or solutions.

Brain Lesions Cancer :How is multiple Sclerosis associated With Back Pain

How Much Heavy Metal Exposure Did You Have Today Or is a Neurodegenerative Disease in Your Future!

Brain Lesions Cancer :

In the world we live in today, we assume that all things that we ingest or put on our bodies is safe because we have regulatory groups in the United States that make sure that unsafe products are not being produced and marketed to the public. In addition, we believe that most fellowships who make products that are whether ingested or located on the skin are safe for use. The fact is that information revealing any negative effects on the human body of any industrial substance may take years or decades to discover.

So, it becomes imperative that we come to be smart consumers and look out for known toxic ingredients in any products that we put in or on our bodies. Baby boomers are beginning to retire and according to marketing citizen these seclusion years are going to be the best years of our lives. Maybe and maybe not. If we can protect ourselves from heavy metal exposure, we may be able to avoid serious neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease which would clearly destroy our golden years.

Brain Lesions Cancer

I was shocked when I started reading the very informative book, "The Brain Wash" by Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook. Dr. Cook contends that our delicate brains are under assault from numerous toxins along with heavy metals on a daily basis. In fact, Dr. Cook believes that in 15 years there will be more citizen suffering with brain diseases than with cancer and heart disease combined! This is a frightening possibility that should have every baby boomer quaking in their heavy metal boots! This will be the time that many of us will start to enjoy our goldrn years. It sounds like we there is a large possibility that we may not be able to remembe them or whatever else! I am terrified by this possibility so I am going to do all things potential to ensure I protect myself from this terrible fate and I believe most citizen want to do the same. Therefore, it becomes vital that we know what to protect ourselves from and where these substances are located.

Brain Lesions Cancer :How Much Heavy Metal Exposure Did You Have Today Or is a Neurodegenerative Disease in Your Future!

Everyone is familiar with the neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer's Disease. I remember hearing in the news about aluminum being found in the brain lesions of Alzheimer's Disease patients. I believe this information has been known for at least 15 years. Since I do not have a relative with Alzheimer's Disease, I had forgotten about this information until I was reading "The Brain Wash." While reading, I decided that I would pay much closer attention to my exposure to a number of toxins along with aluminum in hopes that limiting my exposure may sell out my risk for developing any neurodegenerative diseases. Let's start with the heavy metal, aluminum, and discuss how we take off potential exposure to this heavy metal.

As you read on, you may be surprised by the number of products that include aluminum that you are using on a daily basis. Products such as drugs and personal care products have aluminum salts as former ingredients. The skin is our largest organ and we discharge most substances that are put on the skin to at least some degree. If you think about the hours, days and even years that you have used any of the he following items on your body, then your will begin to get the idea of how much exposure you have had to aluminum.

Antiperspirants: almost 100% of antiperspirants are made with a form of aluminum. I now know that I can no longer use an antiperspirant unless I can find one that is aluminum free. However, we could respond to the question by changing our perception of sweating. Let's make sweating determined rather than negative! If sweating was carefully to be a cool thing to do, then we would not even consider using an antiperspirant.! Let's talk about the beauty of sweat! I am not kidding! Sweating is admittedly wholesome and it is time that women, especially in the U.S., do not worry about the look and smell of sweat! If we get a case of the vapors, just sweat! Let's make wearing antiperspirants as socially unacceptable as smoking!

Shampoos, body lotions, body creams: A large number of these items have aluminum based ingredients. Spend a few minutes reading the ingredients on the bottles of personal care items at the drugstore and you will be astounded by the number of products that include aluminum based ingredients. In fact, it should be especially disturbing that so many "personal care" items include aluminum since the news about aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease has been known for years. Did these fellowships just not care? If we stop buying antiperspirants with aluminum, they will care. They will care so much that they will find alternative ingredients to keep the business. There are alternative ingredients ready and used today so buy aluminum free products instead.

Antacids: There are several distinct salts that are used in antacids. A very common one is aluminum hydroxide. You can find aluminum hydroxide in Mylanta and Maalox. There are alternatives such as magnesium and calcium carbonate. There is a natural product, Refluxamine that contains a natural source of calcium carbonate and it does a great job relieving heartburn. Let's stop using aluminum hydroxide antacids for heartburn!

To ensure that we enjoy the "best years of our lives" we will need to be alert to the ingredients in products that we use on our bodies. If we have used these products over time, it maybe best to be proactive and try to help our central nervous principles heal even before we know there is a problem. We can make sure that our diets include antioxidants and other phytonutrients that mend cells, before there are so many that we end up with a neurodegenerative disease.

Reference: Cook, Michelle, The Brain Wash, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 2007

Brain Lesions Cancer :How Much Heavy Metal Exposure Did You Have Today Or is a Neurodegenerative Disease in Your Future!

What is Stress and What Do You Do About it (Part Three)?

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How the body reacts to prolong stress is described by Dr Hans Selye in terms of the general Adaptation Syndrome. Selye divides the stress response into three phases: Alarm Response, Adaptation and Exhaustion. The Alarm Response is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for immediate action. If the source of stress persists, then the body prepares for long term security straight through the secretion of additional hormones that increase blood sugar levels to reserve energy and raise blood pressure. This Adaptation phase, resulting from exposure to prolonged periods of stress, is base and not necessarily harmful but without periods of freedom and rest to counter-balance the stress response, sufferers come to be prone to fatigue, attentiveness lapses, irritability and lethargy as the attempt to reserve arousal slides into negative stress. Under persistent, lasting stress, sufferers enter the Exhaustion phase: mental, corporal and emotional resources suffer heavily and the body experiences 'adrenal exhaustion', where blood sugar levels decrease as the adrenals come to be depleted, leading to decreased stress tolerance, progressive thinking and corporal exhaustion, illness and collapse.

Exposure to excessive stress results in hormonal imbalances, which can produce a collection of symptoms:-

Brain Lesions Cancer

Physical symptoms - changes in sleep patterns, missed heartbeats, fatigue, palpitations, changes in digestion, breathlessness, loss of sexual drive, headaches, infections, indigestion, tingling of hands and feet, aches and pains in assorted parts of the body, dizziness, sweating and trembling.

Brain Lesions Cancer :What is Stress and What Do You Do About it (Part Three)?

Mental symptoms - lack of concentration, panic attacks, memory lapses, mystery in making decisions, disorientation and confusion.

Emotional symptoms - deterioration in personal hygiene and appearance, bouts of depression, impatience and irritability, fits of rage and tearfulness.

Behavioural symptoms - appetite changes, eating disorders, increased intake of alcohol and other drugs, nail biting, fidgeting, restlessness, hypochondria and increased smoking.

The term 'cardiovascular' refers to the heart and the body's system of blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is probably the most serious health qoute that can be associated to stress - it is the most base cause of death in the Uk and the Usa. The traditional causes of heart disease contain smoking and high fat diets but stress is a considerable contributory factor.

Adrenal hormones act to increase blood pressure; temporary rises in blood pressure gift no threat to health but a frequent or perpetual state of high blood pressure can have a serious ensue on health in the long term. High blood pressure is associated with the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is the ensue of the development of blood plaque in the arteries, which progressively narrows the pathway straight through which the blood flows. At last an artery can come to be blocked, leading to angina, stroke and heart failure.

The immune system protects the body from infection and fights viruses, harmful bacteria and cancer. excessive stress can damage the immune system by affecting the thymus gland, which commerce white blood cells for regulating immunity and also produces assorted immune associated hormones. The stress reaction diverts resources to the main parts of the body that need to deal with stress, in general the brain, heart and muscles. The immune system and other systems are deprived of resources. The thymus gland may shrink because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. This will also degrade the work done by the white blood cells, which will cause damage to the body's ability to fight infection. As a ensue high stress can ensue in reduced resistance to base infections, such as colds, flu and herpes. Because confident types of white blood cells produced by the thymus are active in preventing the development of cancer cells in the body, any damage to the thymus may ensue the bod's ability to resist cancer.

Asthma is a respiratory disorder marked by the temporary constriction of the bronchi, the airways branching from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks are ordinarily brought on by allergic reactions to antigens, such as grass and tree pollen, mould spores, fungi and confident foods but also may be caused by chemical irritants in the climate or by infections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma strike is based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or any of these agents. lasting stress reduces the efficiency of the adrenal glands, reducing the yield of anti inflammatory and anti allergic adrenal hormones, which may make an asthma strike more likely.

Diabetes is caused by the inability of the body to metabolise sugar correctly, leading to excessively high levels of sugar in the blood. Sugar metabolism is the accountability of the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Most diabetics can produce insulin but assorted factors limit the hormone's efficiency, known as 'insulin sensitivity'.

The publish of adrenal hormones under stress can have a considerable impact on blood sugar levels. Adrenaline causes sugar in the liver to be put into the blood stream and cortisol acts to cut the metabolism of glucose by cells. Large amounts of cortisol act to decrease insulin sensitivity. High blood sugar levels are not risky in ordinarily healthy individuals but lasting stress, combined with other factors such as obesity, act to increase the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Ulcers are frequently associated with stress, although no conclusive link has yet been demonstrated. ordinarily the lining of the stomach is covered with a layer of mucus to protect it from the digestive acids and enzymes used in the breaking down of food. Over time, lasting stress can stimulate the overproduction of gastric juices, which break down the protective mucus and act upon the walls of the digestive tract, resulting in ulceration. Ulcers ordinarily occur singly in round or oval lesions; the erosions are ordinarily shallow but can perforate the whole wall, leading to hemorrhage and perhaps death.

Many problems with the digestive tract, such as constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome are associated to stress. The brain will send messages to the nerves in the digestive tract in the form of hormones. These messages will tell the intestinal muscles to improve or contract. Hormonal imbalances can cause alterations in intestinal function, such as spasms, constipation and diarrhea. lasting stress tends to shut down the digestive system altogether, exacerbating intestinal problems.

Stress increases levels of toxicity in the body and contributes to hormonal imbalances, both of which have an ensue on the skin. The visible effects of stress on the skin include:- acne, spots, skin diseases, eczema, excessive pallor and psoriasis.

Headaches are one of our most base afflictions and are ordinarily caused not by disease but by fatigue, emotional disorders or allergies. Intermittent tension headaches are caused by worry, anxiety, overwork or inadequate ventilation. The most base type, a lasting tension headache, is often caused by depression. Brain tissue itself is insensitive to pain, as is the bony covering of the brain (cranium). The stimulation of the nerves of the cranium, upper neck and the membranous linings of the brain will cause ill pain. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation, by the dilation of blood vessels of the head or by muscle spasms in the neck and head. Headaches brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches: those caused by the dilation of blood vessels are called vascular headaches.

Migraine is the most base cause of vascular headache. Many things seem capable of triggering throbbing head attacks, along with stress, fatigue, drugs and foods that contain substances that influence the blood vessels. lasting ill may be corporal symptoms of depression or other kinds of severe emotional problems.

Stress has a debilitating ensue on the nerves in general and confident premenstrual symptoms may be aggravated by stress. Many sufferers of Pms have abnormal levels of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which may account for some of the problems of excessive fluid keeping and weight gain, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating. additional publish of aldosterone caused by stress will exacerbate these problems.

Chronic stress can produce severe depression because of its debilitating psychological effects. The physiological changes produced by stress can also lead to depression. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are not only adrenal hormones but chemical messengers in the brain. Deficiencies of noradrenaline have been associated to depression in confident individuals and so adrenal exhaustion straight through lasting long term stress may be a contributory factor in depressive illness.

Brain Lesions Cancer :What is Stress and What Do You Do About it (Part Three)?

Diary of a Breast Cancer Scare

Brain Lesions Cancer :

Six weeks ago, in the shower one day, I noticed that I was bleeding from my nipple, just from one breast and it was just a small number - only a few drops. In fact I wasn't overly involved until later that day I was doing my washing and found blood stains in several of my bras and even on one of my shirts. In Australia, it's Winter and I'd been so rugged up holding warm that I hadn't beyond doubt noticed before then.

At first I looked on the internet to find out what it could be mental there was probably a perfectly innocent explanation and I didn't want to over-react. This is why I'm sharing my story here in the hope that it might help other women looking for information. By the way, I'm a young 34 years of age, am not pregnant and have not had a child.

Brain Lesions Cancer

There was lots of facts online about 'rusty pipes' which is blood women who are lactating sometimes experience. And I found lots of references to runners (mostly men) who had problems with bleeding nipples caused by chaffing but I couldn't see anyone that applied to me, other than very scary references to breast cancer. I don't know if it's true but some facts I found suggested that bleeding from one duct was worse so I was hoping like heck that I could find it arrival from more than one but nope it seemed to be just one. Still, I refused to let myself be scared.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Diary of a Breast Cancer Scare

In the past, I've had doctors tell me very scary things about my health, diagnose me (falsely as I finally discovered) with a life threatening illness and I let it eat me up with worry mental beyond doubt that I was probably going to die. It wasn't until years later that I was told I'd received a false inescapable and it all turned out to be nothing. So now I refuse to let myself get that worked up, the stress is worse!

Anyway, I couldn't get any facts online about bleeding nipples so I went to my next resource - I sent a text message to my Mom and best friend, Allayne. They're full of lots of great common sense and have seen a lot of things and may have heard something that I hadn't, like the time I had blood in my urine and understanding I must be bleeding internally (Lol effect of watching too much Er). I then was very embarrassed to find out later from them it is very common and a quick trip to the drug store to pick up some Ural would soon fix it. Allayne had heard about 'rusty pipes' but nothing that would apply to me. Mom, a old nurse, told me not to be involved but to get it checked out.

I couldn't put it off any longer so I made the appointment with a physician who had been extremely recommended by a friend who had brain cancer. I had seen the physician give a communal lecture and I'd been quite impressed by his holistic, very natural approach. By the time I saw him I worked out it had been happening for roughly 10 days and by that time the bleeding had lessened quite a bit. Now there was just a small number when I slowly pressed or 'expressed' and it seemed to be less bloody like there was clear liquid with just a trace of blood. I was relieved mental that my body was healing itself and the physician would find it was something wholly normal and that would be the end of it.

Turns out that he had a lot of young women patients who had breast cancer and although he has a strong natural approach he made it very clear that I needed to take this seriously and get it checked out.

He surprised me by consulting a breast surgeon who recommended a mammogram, ultrasound and cytology (getting a sample of the blood/fluid) and she said when I got the mammogram and ultrasound, they would probably also recommend a biopsy to be sure. My physician told the surgeon that if it turned out to be nothing that I'd probably refuse the recommended biopsy and she said that in that case I should have followup mammograms every 6 months.

The next day I tried getting the cytology done but by this stage the bleeding had stopped and there was just a tiny number of roughly clear liquid and I was unable to get enough fluid out to do the tests.

A few days later I was at the Xray clinic for my ultrasound and mammogram with my Mom who I'd asked to come with me for moral support. (Yes I'm a big girl and haven't had my Mom along for doctors appointments since I was a little girl but I just needed to know that I had man there.) I had been told not to wear deodorant and talcum powder as it could interfere with the testing so I was feeling grateful it was winter and not a hot day!

I remembered lots of women joking about how the mammogram engine must have been designed by men and how it was quite painful. Unlike most women, I'm not good with pain so I was a bit involved I might pass out which has happened once before when I've been in pain. I never anticipated to get a mammogram, well at least not until I was 50 so I hadn't paid too much attention previously.

After a short wait, it was time for me to go in. Mom wasn't allowed in and waited outside. I wasn't sure what to expect but the radiographer was terrifying and I didn't feel embarrassed, it was similar to have a bra fitting. In the small room, I took off my shirt and bra and put it along with my things in the handy basket for me to carry from the mammogram to the ultrasound. I would be putting on a front end gown to go in the middle of the two rooms. The radiographer was very reassuring, she explained exactly what was going to happen and how they needed to have as much tissue as possible in there. I had to turn my arm in weird positions for the engine to be able to get as much of me as possible in the picture. It felt like I roughly had my armpit in there!

I don't know whether the engine is dissimilar now but it wasn't as bad as I was ready for. Yes, they do squash your breasts (horizontally and then vertically, one side at a time) and it does hurt if you've got lumpy breasts like me but it is for a much briefer time that I understanding it would be. I felt like I was in control because the radiographer slowly lowered the plates until I told her it was enough. Hold your breath, click, and the plates automatically release! After the first one when I found how speedily it releases I felt a lot more willing to put up with even more pain because I knew it would only hurt for a short number of time.

The worst part for me was the next incorporate of days I felt a tiny number of pain when I breathed. Oh, that sounds worse than it was. You know when you work a muscle and it's sore a incorporate of days later? It was like that, more of an awareness of muscles I didn't previously know existed. So it beyond doubt wasn't as bad as you hear.

The ultrasound was much better. If you haven't had one, it's just like it looks on tv, there's cold gel and a wand is rolled slowly over your skin. beyond doubt when I see the results I don't know why they waste time doing the mammogram because the ultrasound seems to give a much clearer picture. Well, at least in my case. It found that I had lots of cysts [the technician said it's normal in women of child bearing age; my physician later told me it's normal in women who are iodine deficient] & I also had something else that involved them a bit. To me, the cysts looked like oval shaped black cells. The 'something else' looked to me very similar to the cysts but a bit like an eye - oval with a round black bit in the middle. They told me the bits that weren't black indicated that there was fluid. The ultrasound technician and the physician consulted and told me it was probably a 'fibroadenoma' and in 95% of times it's nothing but because of my relatively young age I should by all means; of course have a biopsy.

I cheerfully informed them thank you very much, I'm happy with 95% opportunity that it's nothing and I won't be doing the recommended biopsy. After all, I could clearly see on the scan that it had a nice cell wall and looked very nicely contained and I didn't want anyone breaking it open. If you've heard the Texan Don Tolman talk about cancer, you'll know why. He calls tumours "rubbish cans" that the body creates to store toxins and lock them away from hurting the surrounding area but I didn't dare share that with the staff because they would have understanding I was a faultless nut.

They were pretty upset about me saying 'thanks but no thanks' and from there I got told about several of the Australian celebrities with breast cancer (Kylie Minogue, Belinda Emmett etc) and how the qoute was that they were told they were too young to have breast cancer. They told me that if only they'd done something about it sooner it they could have been okay. They also told me how they are looking younger and younger women come in and that they'd even recently found breast cancer in a youthful girl!

The report that went to my physician said they found "an oval solid lesion, with a transverse orientation and is well defined and would be consistent with a fibroadenoma although non specific". Blah, blah, blah. I tried googling this too but couldn't beyond doubt find anyone that helped me. My Mom and my best friend were very upset with me about my decision not to have the biopsy and pressured me to reconsider. To get them to leave me alone I told them I'd talk to my doctor. My Real physician who doesn't over react and would take a natural approach.

A incorporate of weeks later I had my scheduled followup appointment with him along with the results of the blood and urine tests he'd gotten me do. He proceeded to sit me down and tell me how I beyond doubt should have the biopsy. I was shocked! Here's this alternative physician recommending that I do this. I said "what about what about what the surgeon said?". He said, that's only if they didn't find anything. I was confused and asked him to explain. He told me that taking even a 5% opportunity was too much of a risk. He got a bit dramatic to prove his point and said if I had a gun to my head and was told there was a 5% opportunity there was a bullet in there, would I let him pull the trigger? He said that he was looking too many young women with breast cancer that could have been prevented and that our focus should be on first of all getting rid of cancer And Then focussing on preventing cancer, getting the body so well that cancer doesn't get an opportunity. (I am paraphrasing, can't recall his exact words.) He then went on and showed me my blood & urine tests showed a qoute with my thyroid and also deficiencies in several blood levels, but that's someone else story. Side note: studies have associated iodine deficiencies and mercury to breast cancer and I have a iodine deficiency and have several signs that my body is being affected by mercury in my body (amalgum fillings in my teeth).

So at my doctor's strong encouragement, I conceded and had the biopsy last week. It's what is called a needle biopsy and they just take a sample. The nurse and physician who did the test were beyond doubt wonderful, very sick person and explained the whole process thoroughly.

What I didn't know until I was lying down was that I had to have someone else ultrasound (makes sense so they can find the exact location), I'd get a local anaesthetic (have I mentioned I'm beyond doubt anti all drugs?) and that it went through the breast rather than the nipple. They told me they had to take 2 swabs and that I'd feel the movement of them pushing up and down. A bit like vaccuming it seemed to me on the receiving end. They also said that in about 1% of cases they don't get enough tissue to do the sample and it has to be redone. I invited them to take a third swab while they were there so they could be beyond doubt sure they had enough but they said no, it looked fine. The good news was that it was 'behaving like a fibroadenoma' that is, like fibrous tissue which is what we were hoping it would be.

Afterwards, the nurse put pressure on the wound for a while before putting on a waterproof dressing. She was so caring, told me that I needed to stay lying down for a few more minutes, putting pressure on so it wouldn't bruise and relax as much as possible. She didn't want me doing anyone with that arm, not even picking up my handbag and asked if there was anyone at home who could make me dinner. I think she went over the top but it was so nice to have man be so caring, especially when I was feeling so alone. Today, a week later, the spot where the needle went in is roughly healed. I'm a slow healer so it may heal faster in other people. There's no scar and at a quick notice it just looks like a small pink freckle.

I was told my physician would have the results in a incorporate of days. We had a communal holiday so it took a bit longer and I got the good news yesterday. "Results showed benign fibroadenoma. No supplementary activity required."

Being the google fan that I am, I did a bit more study and found "Benign fibroadenoma tumors are non-cancerous breast tumors. They are common in young women."

Although, I was inescapable the whole time (well, pretty much) that it would turn out to be nothing I'm so happy to have it confirmed.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Diary of a Breast Cancer Scare

Zinc Supplements and condition - A Good combination

Brain Lesions Cancer :

There is a proverb which says that condition is wealth. This is without fail true. Any way in spite of our efforts sometimes the delicate equilibrium in our body is upset. Vitamins and minerals are very prominent for maintaining this balance. At times as our natural intake is not enough for the body, we might have to resort to supplements of vitamins and minerals. Zinc is a mineral that is very prominent for the body. Zinc supplements have a lot of advantages. Zinc supplements will really make an impact on your health.

Zinc activates the white blood cells in the blood to fight against infections. White blood cells play an prominent role in protecting the body from all the bacteria and viruses. Zinc also helps the pancreas to furnish insulin and helps in maintaining normal sugar levels. Zinc supplements will be helpful for men also as zinc is needed in sperm output and to keep the prostate gland healthy.

Brain Lesions Cancer

Zinc also functions as an anti oxidant and is complicated in many biochemical reactions. It is a component of many enzymes in the human body and acts as a catalyst in many enzyme driven reactions in our body. Zinc is also prominent for cell growth, protein and Dna synthesis, regulation of gene transcription, hormone levels and power metabolism.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Zinc Supplements and condition - A Good combination

Zinc is an prominent mineral for protein synthesis and helps to regulate the output of cells in the human immune system. Zinc boosts the immune system and protects the body from discrete infectious disorders. Zinc can also safe the brittle cells of the human body from the damage resulting from the assault of free radicals. More prominent is the function of zinc in maintaining the attention of vitamin E in the blood. Zinc has an prominent role in regulating appetite and stress levels.

Zinc is required for having normal increase and improvement during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. A benefit of zinc supplements is improved immunity. Intake of zinc supplements is helpful in lowering blood sugar levels, improving brain functioning, increase in the male sex drive an d libido and in the increasing of calcium to bones and teeth.

Zinc is also prominent for many biological functions like digestion, wound medical and reproduction. In men zinc protects the prostate from early damage that can perhaps lead to cancer. If you have hair loss accompanied by skin lesions, diarrhea and poor night vision and wound medical you might be suffering from zinc deficiency.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Zinc Supplements and condition - A Good combination

The Who's Who Of The Language Of rehabilitation - Terminology course Gives Answers

Brain Lesions Cancer :

Maybe you've never heard of Lauren Ackerman, Emanuel Libman or Henri Vincent. Who they are and why they matter is that they've given rise to what's known as eponyms in medical terminology. They're among a select group of individuals who have diseases, medical conditions, even body parts named for them.

Most eponyms in medical terminology are for individuals who have described these conditions or anatomical parts. In a medical terminology course, for example, students might learn how American cancer pathologist Lauren V. Ackerman described a malignant lesion that became known as Ackerman's tumor; how Emanuel Libman, with Benjamin Sacks, in 1924 published a record of a persisting tissue disorder that became Libman-Sacks disease; or how French physician Henri Vincent described a throat infection now commonly known as Vincent's angina.

Brain Lesions Cancer

Thanks to medical terminology, patients suffering from Vincent's angina have an alternative to admitting they suffer from trench mouth, which is other base name for this particular throat infection. The same might be said for Alzheimer's disease, a form of dementia that, in medical terms, refers to Alois Alzheimer. This German psychiatrist and neuropathologist described the affliction, after learning the brain of an asylum outpatient who had died.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Who's Who Of The Language Of rehabilitation - Terminology course Gives Answers

Gabriele Fallopio also left a heritage in medical terminology - in his instance, having to do with anatomy. With Fallopio, who researched reproductive organs, it was the fallopian tube. The protrusion that forms in a boy's throat while puberty, that gives him a deeper voice, in medical terminology is referred to as the Adam's apple, for a piece of the forbidden fruit that some say Eve convinced him to eat in the garden of Eden.

When it comes to medical terminology, too, students learn that Abercrombie is more than a clothing line. In terminology, the name harkens to Scottish physician John Abercrombie, for whom an amyloid (or tissue protein) degeneration became known as Abercrombie's disease.

Likewise, Bang's disease has nothing to do with having affection for a particular hairstyle, and Christmas disease isn't linked to the yearly holiday. Bang's disease in medical terminology is a bacterial disease named for Danish veterinarian and bacteriologist Bernhard Bang. Christmas disease is a form of hemophilia named for a 10-year-old English patient, Stephen Christmas, who was afflicted with it and whom Oxford researchers studied.

It's more base for eponyms in medical terminology to be named for physicians and researchers than it is patients such as Christmas. Exceptions also include a neurological disease that's named for the old New York Yankees first baseman who died from it. Lou Gehrig's disease, known also as Als (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Gehrig, at age 36, became the youngest inductee to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Because "eponymity" is thought about the opposite of anonymity, being recognized with an eponym in medical terminology can also be an honor. Students are likely to learn about Gehrig and others as part of their medical terminology courses linked with college and university programs that can lead to fast growing occupations in healthcare.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Who's Who Of The Language Of rehabilitation - Terminology course Gives Answers

Radiation Therapy Or Radiotherapy and Its 4 treatment Types

Brain Lesions Cancer :

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy is a term known to cancer sufferers. It is one of the three techniques to cure separate types of cancers in the world today. With this being said, the other two are surgical operation and chemotherapy. On the other hand, chemotherapy is more associated with the cancer word and is more popular.

There are four types of radiation therapies. They are the conventional and conformal, intensity modulated radiation, 'stereotactic' radio surgical operation ('Srs') and image guide radiation therapy ('Igrt').

Brain Lesions Cancer

For conventional and conformal therapy, it is a technique that applies to basic and simple cases. It uses one or two beam directions to irradiate the target (cancer tissues or cells) without involved shielding (for example, the whole brain, spine 'methastases', etc.) It applies manifold beams directions to conform as intimately as possible to the target volume to deliver enough dose to the tumour and at the same time minimizing dose to normal tissues nearby. Both conventional and conformal techniques are based on 3D anatomic data to gain close distributions.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Radiation Therapy Or Radiotherapy and Its 4 treatment Types

Next, we have the 'Imrt' or Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. It is the most advanced treatment technology type we have, which enables 'non' uniform radiation to be delivered to the patient from any given position of beam, to optimize the composite dose distribution. 'Imrt' treatment is classic to the old technique, in terms of sparing of normal tissues and organs. This enables higher doses to be delivered to the cancerous cells without addition side effects. This means good cancer cure in many cases.

'Stereotactic' radio surgical operation or 'Srs' is a 'non' surgical course that uses very focused radiation beams to treat definite types of tumours, inoperable lesions and as a post operative treatment to eliminate any leftover tumour tissues or to obliterate (destroy) abnormal blood vessels in congenital 'arteriovenous' malformations. This course relies on detailed imaging, computerized treatment planning and correct treatment setup with ultimate accuracy. It is only delivered once or any times, depending on the dose prescribed by the oncologist.

Lastly, 'Igrt' or Image Guided Radiation Therapy would be an option. It has the benefit of accuracy during delivery of the treatment. The human body is unique in a way that is always moving. And this movement reflects the behaviour of the organs. As organs move, the tumour can also move in the middle of treatments due to differences in organ filling or movements while breathing. 'Igrt' is an imaging formula on a real time basis where an image of the patient is taken and compared to the planning image, prior to the treatment.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Radiation Therapy Or Radiotherapy and Its 4 treatment Types

Cholesterol - Good, Bad...Huh?

Brain Lesions Cancer :

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance that's stored in the fat (lipid) content of one's blood stream. It's de facto important to have a confident whole of "good" cholesterol in one's system.

Brain Lesions Cancer

Cholesterol, and our other body fats, cannot dissolve in our blood. They must be movable by special carriers called lipoproteins. While there are numerous kinds (too many to cover here), the two that are most important are the high-density lipoproteins (Hdl) and the low-density lipoproteins (Ldl). There is a third kind, which is referred to as Lp(a), which can growth one's risk of heart charge and stroke. We'll cover that one here, as well.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Cholesterol - Good, Bad...Huh?

Hdl, Ldl, & Lp(a)...What Are These?

High-density lipoproteins (Hdl) are known as "good cholesterol". Most experts agree that Hdl moves the cholesterol from the arteries to the liver, where it is broken down and leaves the body through the natural evacuation process. A higher Hdl level seems to sell out the risk of heart charge or stroke. Keep in mind, though, that a lower Hdl level in one's body (-40 mg/dL in men, -50 mg d/L in women) is a warning signal of greater risk of one or both.

Hdl seems to take off excess cholesterol from the plaques which build up in one's blood vessels, thereby inhibiting or slowing their growth. This is what makes it so important to the human body. almost 1/3 to 1/4 of the cholesterol in our bodies is carried by the Hdl.

Low-density lipoproteins (Ldl) are the major transporters of cholesterol in our blood. One can experience a build up on the walls of the arteries which provide blood to our hearts and brains, if too much Ldl enters the blood stream. When combined with other substances, it forms plaques. Plaques are hard, thick coatings that can clog one's arteries and decrease blood flow to the heart or the brain. Should the blood not move quickly enough, there is danger of a blood clot forming near the plaques. When this occurs in the arteries important to the heart, one is at greater risk of a heart attack. If it happens in the arteries which lead to one's brain, there is a higher risk of stroke.

If one's Ldl level is 160 mg/dL or higher, this is an indication of a greater risk of heart disease. And if one has already been diagnosed with heart disease, it is strongly recommended that one sound a level of less than 100 mg/dL.

A puny known (by the general population) lipoprotein that can also cause a greater risk is the Lp(a) cholesterol lipoprotein. This is a generic difference of plasma (the "fluid" which carries the blood cells through one's blood stream) Ldl. When one's Lp(a) level is higher, one can more quickly institute the plaque build up which physicians and specialists refer to as "arthersclerosis". Although there has been no conclusive evidence drawn as to Why Lp(a) contributes to the increased risk of heart disease, it is commonly believed that the natural lesions which occur in our artery walls may contain substances that interact with it. This may lead to the build up of the fatty deposits.

From Where Do We Get Cholesterol?

The general consensus is that the human body is capable of producing the cholesterol that one needs to remain healthy. The body - most especially the liver - produces almost 1,000 mg per day. Therefore the cholesterol consumed (by the average man eating the typical foods such as whole milk dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and seafood) is not de facto requisite to sound the healthy level which one needs.

Two of the biggest culprits which conduce to the excessive consumption of cholesterol are transfats and saturated fats. But other fats consumed in foods can also raise blood cholesterol. While some of the excess fat is removed from the body by the liver, most heart specialists suggest that the average man limit himself/herself to less than 300 mg daily. And if one has been diagnosed with heart disease, that level should be less than 200 mg daily. If one has been diagnosed with extremely high cholesterol, even more drastic measures may be requisite to bring it under control.

How Do I control My Intake?

A proven and standard quantum of control is to limit one's intake to no more that 6 ounces of lean meat/fish/poultry daily, and to consume only low fat/no fat dairy products. efficient substitutes for the protein requisite for good health can be found in beans and vegetables with high protein content. Two perfect sources for determining which foods have high protein content can be found at:

[] and

It is also recommended that one adopt a quarterly exercise regimen. Even a moderate whole of daily performance can help to growth the movement of blood through one's body. corporal activities such as slow walking, gardening, light yard work, housework and slow dancing are often prescribed as ideally great for those who need a daily routine to help control the cholesterol levels.

A more intense regimen can contain brisk walking, jogging, swimming and weight-lifting. Aerobic exercising is an perfect way to growth one's breathing and heart rates.

Side benefits of a normally scheduled exercise schedule can contain weight control, reducing one's risk of developing diabetes, and helping to keep one's blood pressure at a healthy level. quarterly moderate to intense exercise can also help to expand one's heart and lungs.

To Smoke or Not to Smoke...

Most physicians and specialists suggest that no one smoke. And it has been proven that tobacco smoking increases the risk of heart disease. One's intake of oxygen, which is a requisite component for good vascular circulation and health, is drastically reduced. Plus, smoking is detrimental to Hdl cholesterol levels and increases the possibility of blood clots, not to mention the risks of causing cancer in one's body.

The Effects of Alcohol on Cholesterol Levels

The moderate consumption of alcohol has shown, in some studies, to de facto promote higher Hdl cholesterol levels. With that said one must weigh the risks of alcoholism, obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, and sometimes depression. exercise moderation (not more than 1-2 drinks daily for men, not more than 1 drink daily for women). And if you don't drink, don't start. There are great and safer alternatives for controlling one's cholesterol.


- Hdl is "good" cholesterol

- Ldl is "bad" cholesterol

- An exercise regimen can help in lowering Ldl and increasing Hdl

- Cholesterol can be controlled with a sensible diet, for many people

- Smoking can growth the risks of lower Hdl levels and the possibility of blood clots

Consult your physician or health care victualer before embarking on any exercise regimen, or the consumption of alcohol, as a method to control one's cholesterol. He or she can direct you to what steps you need to take in order to ensure the best results for your efforts.

Have an yearly screening (usually a blood drawing) to settle your cholesterol levels. Be sure to discuss house history and other issues which your physician may want to know before deciding whether or not you should be checked for the Lp(a) lipoproteins. He or she can great settle your risks, the diagnosis, and possible rehabilitation (which may contain prescribe medication) when fully informed.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Cholesterol - Good, Bad...Huh?

Fight Obesity

Brain Lesions Cancer :

Today, our food and lifestyle are greatly affecting our health. With newer food ideas, we have swerved from the real and medicinal source of food, food without synthetic additives. However, since this is the present up of foods, it is advisable to use minimally these unnatural ingredients which can lead to other unhealthful effects on our body. One of these effects is obesity.

Obesity is the prime think for the causes of some death causing diseases. Among these diseases are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and heart attack. Aside from these, there are still other types of diseases which are also effects of obesity. These, then, would show us that obesity is not a salutary body status to have.

Brain Lesions Cancer

The proximity of fast food chains added a lot of weight-gaining elements plus the other harmful ingredients that go with your fast food choice. First, they add a unique food flavor which makes us crave for more.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Fight Obesity

The more we want to always snack on it, the more we also have the intake of an additional one harmful ingredient, the synthetic food colorants which influence digestion negatively. The food flavor additive is known to cause cancer, brain lesions, eyesight problems, heart strike and depression. Fast food is also oily and excessive consumption of oily and fast food meals tend to lead to obesity.

When we are obese, cholesterol level rises and blocks arteries, thus, blood circulation is obstructed. Heart strike is also one enemy of one's condition brought through obesity and affects our heart condition. Blocked arteries are the prime think for it. Other unhealthful effects of obesity are diabetes, especially diabetes Ii (which affects the pancreas),compressed lungs (the lungs are compressed by the fats and surrounding weighted body mass, manufacture it difficult to breath), sleep apnea, bone stress, and some forms of cancer like breast, endometrial, kidney, and colorectal cancers.

Some of these unhealthful effects of obesity may tend to yield multi-diseases. For instance, bone stress can, in turn, succeed to other disturbing aches. The bones are the frame and foundation of our body. It is stressed by the extra weight brought by obesity. Bone stress is shown by knee aches, neck aches, backaches, leg aches, and over-all bone aches. Though these are not death threats it would, however, hamper your daily routine.

You can only enjoy life without living an unhealthy eating habit. The above statements clearly show us that obesity is unhealthy. Live life to the fullest by staying salutary through eating the right food and maintaining a general body weight. You can fight obesity by eating the right kind of food and by exercising.

Exercising is the only way to lose weight you whether hit the gym or you can buy ninjutsu Dvds and normally institution it at your home.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Fight Obesity

Your Life - Your Choice!

Brain Lesions Cancer :

I am a 38-year-old mum of two gorgeous daughters. Nine days ago I was told, after having an Eeg because of an unexplained seizure, that I have abnormal operation on my left temporal lobe which appears to be lesions. Yes, that is my brain I am talking about.

Seven days later, I was lying inside an Mri tube, praying to God that they wouldn't find cancer. I will find out my pathology tomorrow.

Brain Lesions Cancer

I've just had my first taste of mortality; the view of cancer is a terrific pill to swallow. As I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of people-fathers, children, mothers, teenagers, and young grandparents-who must pop this pill every year must feel too. Why has cancer come to be such an epidemic? And more importantly, what can we do, individually and collectively, to turn it?
Well, after only nine days of intensely worrying, researching, questioning and listening I've done that we cannot leave it solely up to the curative society any longer. Don't get me wrong, God-bless nurses and doctors (especially nurses, who are so underpaid for the difficult and demanding work they do). If you find yourself in an automobile crash or with some acute injury or attack, these are nothing else but the folks you need! They have the technology and brilliance to save lives. But as far as curative disease-cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, Hiv/Aids; the list goes on and on-they simply don't have the answers we're seeing for. We must take our condition back into our own hands. We must open our eyes to what we are doing-or not doing-to and for ourselves.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Your Life - Your Choice!

Where the problem Lies: Money

Cancer has been leashing its fury on us, as a nation, for as long as most of us can remember and yet, "despite study expenditures now over 6 billion dollars annually; while the last 30 years increases in the survivability of the major cancers, together with breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer can be measured in just a few percentage points." Michael Guthrie, R.Ph. Alternative Cancer Treatments. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from

One must question: Is this war on cancer just too profitable to end? And if not, why are we no closer now than we were 30 years ago to seeing a cure?

I think it is about time that money went into educating the group on the truth: Cancer is ravaging us because we are ravaging ourselves-knowingly and unknowingly! And most of us are being attacked without realizing it, until it's nearly too late. It is prevention, not early detection that we must focus most on.

Our bodies are overfed yet undernourished. The air we breathe is contaminated with toxins. Our food and beverages are covered in pesticides and filled with hydrogenated fats, sugar, and chemicals. Our meats are pumped full of hormones. We spend hours in front of computer monitors, talking on cellular phones, and racing colse to in a frantic pace, trying to keep up with the Jones'. We pop pills for our constant aches and pains, and as we harbour disappointments, let-downs, and betrayals; living primarily in the past while worrying about the future. As I said to my father a few weeks ago, after he had a mild stroke and was complaining that the treatment wasn't curative him, "Dad, you don't have a disease you have a lifestyle! You can't smoke two packs of cigarettes a day, work long hours, eat meat and potatoes each evening, and then discontinue it off with a few whiskey nightcaps and not expect it to take its toll on your body. treatment won't ever cure you. It may mask the symptoms but unless you turn what you're doing, you'll never turn your outcome! You can take operate of your condition though! It's never too late!"

Wake Up and Smell the Green Tea

More now than ever before we have an fullness of choices yet sadly, but understandably, especially in our fast-paced and chaotic lives, the fast and easy ones seem to be the ones that too many of us are choosing.

It seems that we put more value on the capability of the car we drive than we do on the capability of the food we eat. We put more concentration on paying off our homes than we do on paying concentration to the population in our homes; beginning first and leading with ourselves! We simply have our priorities confused and in our exertion to make life easier, we've totally complicated it. The body is a exquisite example of this: It may be a complicated engine with trillions of chemical reactions happening every second but taking care of it is nothing else but quite simple. As long as we give it what it needs-versus what we want-it will run beautifully. Instead we fill it with foods it can't process, toxins it can't fight, stress it can't tolerate, and medicines that have a rippling result of negative side-effects.

And then we, the weary and scared patient, look to our doctor hoping he can dole us out just one more "magic pill" that can save our lives. Sadly, we've allowed ourselves to give away our power and lay it, instead, on the shoulders of the almighty M.D.

Not only does this leave us feeling disempowered, helpless, and afraid, it puts all of the accountability on the doctor to heal us. And believe it or not folks, doctors are not nothing else but God! And as far as I'm concerned, they are burdening way too much of this load. Besides, I'd bet that if you could speak to most of them, "off-the-record" they, too, would tell you that the current options of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy is not doing the job that it was once believed it would.

So, why not consolidate the technology and advancements of contemporary science with the proven and productive natural approaches (albeit non-profitable) of eating a clean diet that is primarily organic fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, sea vegetables, and whole grains, along with incorporating a daily regime of supplementation, exercise, and meditation?

Well, I think it's because we've been taught that we must choose one option or the other because of a battle that has been going on for over a hundred years between the curative world-primarily the pharmaceutical companies-and the world of alternative condition modalities. A battle that, like all wars, hurts everyone involved. Ausubel, K. (2000). When curative Becomes a Crime. Vermont: curative Arts Press.
Pharmaceutical companies may be manufacture big money but they themselves are filled with employees, just like you and me, who need a good option for their own health, too. It's time to value population more than money. It's time that you value yourself-your health, your children's health, and the condition of this planet!

The good news is that we can not only stop the damaging effects of our current lifestyle but with a exiguous commitment and willpower we can nothing else but reverse the damage we've done!

Why not start tonight by going to bed a exiguous earlier and waking up a exiguous earlier? When you wake up, head right out for a brisk 20 exiguous walk. Enjoy a breakfast of organic yogurt with a banana, berries, and raw muesli, with a hot cup of cancer-fighting green tea. Take a few minutes to give thanks for everything in your life. Take the train to work. Smile. Listen to relaxing music. Have a big salad with salmon or tofu for lunch. Drink fullness of water with lemon. Let your work stay at work, as you head out a exiguous earlier than normal. As you walk straight through the door kiss your spouse, your kids, and pat your dog. Give thanks again. Do something fun. Turn off the Tv. Read a great book. Light some candles. Make love. Clean up your finances. Simplify your life. Meditate. Do a cleanse. Eliminate red meat. Cut back on alcohol. Dance. Sing. Laugh. Live....
It nothing else but is pretty simple. I'm game, are you?

Crystal Andrus

Brain Lesions Cancer :Your Life - Your Choice!

Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

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What are glia cells?

Glia cells hold together the neurons in the brain. The glia recapitulate with the neurons to trigger the neurons to function. One way to think of glia is that they are a network of cells throughout the brain. The glia are also described as the glue that holds the neurons in place.

Brain Lesions Cancer

What happens to the glia when they come to be malignant?

Brain Lesions Cancer :Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

When the cells of a glia multiply, a malignancy is forming. Initially there will not be any symptoms. Unfortunately the cancer of the glia is very aggressive, that is, develops quickly. By the time symptoms are noticed a tumor is growing.

What is gliblastoma multiforme?

Gbm, as glioblastoma multiforme is called, is the deadliest, most aggressive form of brain malignancy. Gbm can form everywhere in the brain, and is the top grade of cancer, a grade 4. There is no cure. There are 500,000 cases a year in the U.S.

What are Gbm symptoms?

The symptoms are directly associated to where the tumor is located in the brain. Brain malignancy is difficult to diagnose because for every group of symptoms there are multiple inherent diagnoses. For instance, when my husband began searching for words, we conception he was experiencing "senior moments." Yet, he speedily progressed to no longer knowing the names for objects. Then he could no longer spell or read. These symptoms progressed over four weeks.

How is glioblastoma multiforme (Gbm) diagnosed?

When brain involvement is expected, the Mri is performed. The Mri will show up the tumor, where it is located, its shape, and it its size. From a biopsy, tissue samples are sent to diagnosis where the tumor is diagnosed.

What is the medicine acceptable for glioblastoma (Gbm)?

The first line of defense is surgical removal, called a resection. Not all Gbms are operable. If the malignancy is located at the brain stem or everywhere else where resection would cause more harm than improvement, then surgery is not an option. The next line of defense is radiation therapy, five days a week, for four to seven weeks, along with chemotherapy. When the radiation is completed, then there will be a maintenance protocol of continued chemotherapy for some months.

What is the diagnosis for this type of cancer?

Poor, glioblastoma multiforme is incurable. Other Gbm tumors will form, and other surgeries may be performed. Aggressive radiation and chemotherapy will be offered. Life expectancy is everywhere from few weeks to a integrate of years.

The most aggressive and deadliest form of brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme. This is the type of cancer that Ted Kennedy had. There is no cure for this cancer. medicine options may consist of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

A Brain Tumor symptom - Truth About Neck Pain Revealed

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Brain tumor symptoms can be hard to recognize, plainly because of the collection of symptoms that can occur. Symptoms fluctuating from headaches and neck pain to seizures and stomach problems are all brain tumor symptoms. These symptoms occur when the brain tumor causes damage to discrete clusters of nerve cells, causing spurious signals or a sudden lack of signals to discrete parts of your body. Early detection can be highly difficult with slow-growing brain tumors because of the gradual onset of symptoms, which may be very subtle at first.

With a brain tumor, neck pain can occur at times, but recurring headaches are the most frequent sign of a brain tumor. But analysis can be difficult. Most population have headaches, and many have recurring headaches or migraines - but not a brain tumor. Headaches that are caused by brain tumors commonly have other symptoms that occur simultaneously. Double vision, vomiting, or confusion are ordinarily seen with headaches associated with brain tumors, but again, severe throbbing head sufferers can have these symptoms as well. Sometimes the headaches come while asleep, and are noticed strongly immediately upon awakening, but subside after a few hours. Brain tumors can also cause headaches that get worse with exercise or coughing.

Brain Lesions Cancer

There are some other brain tumor symptoms, neck pain included. Headaches and neck pain are common, but so are gastrointestinal problems. Vomiting is more likely to occur in cases of stem cell tumors in the brain. Often, especially in the latter stages, brain tumors cause confusion, loss of mental ability, speech problems, memory loss, and impaired concentration. The brain tumor may also cause the victim to sleep much more than usual. Depending on the location of the brain tumor, between fourteen and ninety-four percent of patients suffer some form of seizures. Partial seizures are not uncommon, where, for instance, only the left side of a persons body will go into a seizure. The patient may also remain conscious while a partial seizure, experiencing odd tingling sensations and confusion. Generalized seizures, as are often experienced by epileptics, are not very base in brain tumor cases.

Brain Lesions Cancer :A Brain Tumor symptom - Truth About Neck Pain Revealed

Usually, the definite symptoms and location of a brain tumor will help a physician diagnose its type. For example, if the tumor is a brain stem gliomas, the patient will commonly suddenly build problems swallowing, impaired hearing or vision, strangeness or clumsiness walking, vomiting after waking up in the morning, nasal or slurred speech, and muscle dullness on one side of the face.

Brain Lesions Cancer :A Brain Tumor symptom - Truth About Neck Pain Revealed

Brain Tumors in Dogs and Cats

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Though relatively uncommon, a brain tumor has always made a grim prognosis for unfortunate animal that is diagnosed with one. Traditionally they were often assumed but seldom confirmed, but since Mri and Ct scanning has come to be more mainstream they can be diagnosed correctly. Here we discuss the different types of brain tumor that influence dogs and cats, the clinical investigations that can be performed, the treatments available and the likely outcomes.

Brain tumors seem to be more base in dogs than cats, and definite breeds are over represented such as Boxers, Golden Retrievers, Dobermans, Scottish Terriers and Old English Sheepdogs.

Brain Lesions Cancer

Primary vs Secondary

Brain Lesions Cancer :Brain Tumors in Dogs and Cats

Brain tumors can be former or secondary (metastasis from other sites). former brain tumors are normally solitary, the most base ones in the dog being gliomas and meningiomas. In cats, the most base type are meningiomas and these can occur at multiple locations.

Secondary tumors in dogs include postponement of a nasal tumor, metastases from breast, lung or prostate cancer, hemangiosarcoma or postponement of a pituitary gland tumor. Nerve sheath tumors and skull tumors have also been reported. Secondary tumors in cats include pituitary gland tumors, metastatic carcinomas, local postponement of nasal tumors, skull tumors and middle ear cavity tumors.

What causes a brain tumor?

The cause of brain tumors is not known. Diet, environment, chemical, genetic, viral, immunologic and trauma have all been considered. In cats with meningiomas, because they often occur in very young animals, a genetic element is suspected.

Benign vs Malignant

The terms benign and malignant must be used with care when referring to brain tumors. normally these terms apply to various characteristics on a cellular level, but on a biological level, even benign brain tumors can kill the animal due to the secondary effects like increased intracranial pressure or cerebral edema. In short, any brain tumor can kill.

What are the symptoms?

There can be huge range here. Many animals will present with vague signs, such as one or any of the following:

1. Loss of trained habits

2. Decreased levels of activity

3. Decreased frequency of purring in cats

4. Disorientation

5. Blurring More specific symptoms are dependent upon where exactly the tumor is placed within the brain, the size of the tumor and how fast it is growing. As a tumor enlarges, symptoms tend to come to be more severe. These can include:

6. Seizures (often indicate a tumor in the cerebral cortex)

7. Facial paralysis (may indicate a brainstem tumor)

8. Tremors (may indicate a tumor in the cerebellum)

9. Wobbliness (may indicate a tumor in the cerebellum)

10. Full or partial blindness (may indicate tumor in hypothalamus or optic nerve)

11. Loss of smell (may indicate tumor of olfactory system)

The corporeal presence of the tumor can cause knock on effects due to inflammation and edema of the surrounding area. This can cause symptoms such as:

12. Changes in behaviour or temperament (irritability, lethargy)

13. Compulsive walking

14. Circling

15. Pressing head against a wall or hard surface

Animals can sometimes carry brain tumors for any years before presenting to a veterinary clinic, if the tumor is slow growing. In these cases the symptoms establish gradually, and the owner tends to get used to them so that by the time the animal is examined, the tumor has reached a indispensable size.

How is a brain tumor diagnosed?

History and Clinical Examination

The first step for a veterinarian is to take a proper history of all of the clinical signs, and when they developed. This is followed by a full general clinical exam and a full neurological examination.


After that, blood should be taken for disposition haematology and biochemistry profiles. This is to look for any disease exterior the brain. Results will be general for brain tumors, with the potential exception of some pituitary gland tumors.


Plain skull radiographs (xrays) under general anesthetic have small value in detecting a brain tumor, but they can be beneficial if there is a tumor in the nasal cavities or the middle ear which could enlarge into the skull. On rare occasions, they can identify bony changes in the skull which can accompany a brain tumor, or mineralization within the tumor itself. Radiographs and ultrasound of the chest and abdomen are beneficial to look for a tumor elsewhere in the body, in cases where the brain tumor is a secondary metastasis.

Mri and Ct Scans

Confirmation of a brain tumor can is normally only achieved using the industrialized imaging techniques, Ct scans or Mri. Both of these have pros and cons when compared to one another. Ct is better for bony changes, while Mri is better for soft tissue definition, for the detection of many of the knock on effects of brain tumors such as edema, cysts and bleeding. Mri is the adored selection for diagnosing former brain tumors.


This is the only way to definitively diagnose a brain tumor. The industrialized imaging techniques above offer much information, but they can occasionally confuse a tumor with a non cancerous mass or a cyst, and they also do not tell us the exact type of tumor present, and therefore the proper medicine and prognosis. The best type of biopsy is the Ct guided stereotactic brain biopsy system, which is rapid, strict and quite safe. Since exploratory surgery is high risk, it is not normally attempted unless there is a uncostly chance of removing the whole tumor with minimal collateral damage. Many brain tumors in cats and dogs are not categorized on a cellular level until post mortem.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (Csf) Analysis

Csf prognosis is beneficial for ruling out inflammatory causes of the symptoms, but tumor cells are rarely identified here. Increased levels of white blood cells and increased protein levels may be present in the Csf with many brain tumors, though this is not diagnostic. This test can be high risk when intracranial pressure is increased, as brain herniation can occur.


Treatment is aimed at being either curative or palliative. curative medicine eradicates the tumor or reduces its size, whilst palliative therapy reduces the surrounding cerebral edema and slows down the increase of the tumor. Palliative therapy also involves administering antiepileptic drugs, if seizures are occurring as a consequent of the tumor.


Whether this is an selection depends on the general condition of the animal, and the strict location, size, extent, invasiveness and nature of the tumor. Tumors such as meningiomas in cats can be removed successfully by surgery. However, surgery to remove tumors in definite locations such as the brainstem can be highly dangerous, perhaps resulting in death. Even partial removal can advantage the animal though, particularly if the tumor is slow growing.


This is probably the most widely used form of medicine for brain tumors. Radiation therapy can be used alone or in compound with other treatments. It is also beneficial in the medicine of secondary brain tumors. The aim is to destroy the tumor without harming the general tissue too much.


The main problem with chemotherapy for brain tumors is that many drugs do not cross the blood brain barrier. In addition, the tumor may only be sensitive to high doses, doses which are toxic to general brain tissue and therefore unsuitable for use. However, any drugs have been used for this purpose that can cross the blood brain wall with reported success, along with cytosine arabinoside, lomustine and carmustine.

Probable Outcome

Studies of animals that receive palliative medicine (corticosteroids) for brain tumors show a survival range post prognosis of 64 to 307 days. This demonstrates the inability to accurately predict life expectancy in these cases. What is definite is that the survival times significantly increase with surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy seems to offer the best results, alone or in compound with other treatments. Generally, the more severe the symptoms, the shorter the life expectancy.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Brain Tumors in Dogs and Cats

Knowing More About Sinus Cyst

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Does your nose drip continuously, development it hard to breathe? Is your sense of smell not as sharp as it used to be? If so, then it's potential that you have a sinus cyst.

But there is no need to panic. Having a sinus cyst is fairly common. In fact, agreeing to studies, they are present in as many as 10 percent of salutary individuals. Fortunately, most of sinus cysts are benign. For some, they might not feel any symptoms at all, while others may feel facial pain or difficulty in breathing.

Brain Lesions Cancer

Sinus cysts, or more popularly known as nasal polyps, are soft and pearl-colored growths that form in the lining of the sinuses. They can form in singles or in multiples that are clustered together. They are commonly caused by a prolonged inflammation of the nasal passages. Symptoms of allergies and asthma can also lead to polyp formation.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Knowing More About Sinus Cyst

When polyps are small, they don't commonly cause any problems. People are only alerted of their existence when they start to palpate the symptoms. Below are some of the signs you can watch out for:
o Shortness of breath
o Difficult to breathe through the nose, leading to mouth breathing
o Loss or reduced sense of smell
o Stuffy and runny nose
o Chronic sinus infection
o Headaches
o Snoring
o Nasal discharge
o Sensation of fullness in the face

Who is at Risk?
If you are suffering from any health that causes inflammation of the sinuses, then you are at risk of developing sinus cysts. Some of the conditions include lasting sinusitis, cystic fibrosis and allergic fungal sinusitis. People who are sensitive to aspirin or non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are also most like to form sinus cyst. Age is another factor. Sinus cysts are more likely to show up on People over 40. Children below 16 who exhibit the symptoms of having sinus cyst, should be tested for cystic fibrosis.

Can Sinus Cysts Be Prevented?
To forestall formation of sinus cysts, it is critical to treat the underlying conditions and conduct the symptoms. Here are some guidelines that we can follow:
o For People who suffer from asthma, allergies or lasting sinusitis, avoid indoor and outdoor allergens to cut nasal congestion.
o Treat bacterial infection by undergoing antibiotic treatment.
o Control allergies through intake of antihistamines.
o Saline nasal irrigation is extremely helpful in relieving nasal congestion and eliminating mucus.

What are the treatment Options?
The most base treatment for sinus cysts is corticosteroids. It is either injected directly onto the polyp or sprayed in the locality to cut the cysts temporarily. However, side effects include nose bleeds, headaches or sore throat.

Oral corticosteroids can also be prescribed. It is often taken for a few weeks only due to its severe side effects while long term use such as headaches, weight gain, upset stomach, mood changes and difficulty in sleeping.

If medication fails, surgery is also an option. Polypectomy cuts the polyps away using a suction device. Endoscopic surgery removes the polyps and opens the part of sinus where polyps tend to form. Both surgeries are sick person procedures.

However, the treatment options mentioned do not offer any certify that you will be cyst-free. In fact, sinus cysts often return. This is why it is best to focus on arresting instead.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Knowing More About Sinus Cyst

Disadvantages of Obesity

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Change in food habits and lifestyle have adversely affected the condition condition of the public. Citizen prefer fast food than the home made wholesome food. Fast food is tasty but they are ready with lots of unhealthy products that cause harm to the body. This tendency has lead to obesity a major condition question among the youth especially.

Obesity is the important fancy for several diseases. These consist of the heart diseases too. The consumption of fast food has added a lot of weight and other harmful ingredients that go with your fast food adds to the worst.

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Another issue on the same is that these foods always generate a tendency for having more. The proximity of safe bet ingredients make it tasty and at the same time develops a feeling of having more of the same. The more we intake the more harm it's causing to the body. An example of the above includes the food flavor additive and it can cause cancer, brain lesions, eyesight problems, heart charge and depression. Fast food comes with excess of oil and fat which above safe bet levels can prone you to be diseased.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Disadvantages of Obesity

Another major question with obesity is that, it has been reported that Citizen with obesity have a tendency to organize cholesterol blocking the main arteries to the heart and causing heart arrest. Other harmful damages consist of diabetes, squashed lungs, sleep apnea, bone stress, and some forms of cancer.

Persons with obesity have the tendency to organize multiple diseases. This will lead to the worst of that human being. Though there are no death threats it would slow down your daily custom.

You can cut obesity with quarterly exercise. Find time to tone your body and mind. You can whether go for the gym or plan a walking in the evening.

Brain Lesions Cancer :Disadvantages of Obesity

7 vital Screening Tests Every Woman Should endure

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Before I start, permit me to say that allowable screening will not prevent disease but can detect a disease earlier and give the best opportunity of overcoming it.

1. Breast cancer screening - The cause of breast cancer are not wholly understood, but it is now widely believed that genetic and hormonal factors are the primary risk factors. These days majority of breast cancer patients are diagnosed as a effect of a lump or change in the consistency of the breast tissue and abnormality seen on a mammogram. Early detection of breast cancer has greatly led to revising in survival rate, because the smaller the disease the less likely it spreads to lymph nodes and other organs like lungs and brain.

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Every woman in the middle of 20 and 35 are encouraged to go for a clinical breast test by a health expert once every 3years while women age from 40 and above should undergo mammography screening every 2years. This has the capacity to detect a lump in the middle of 2-3years before they start feeling the pains.

Brain Lesions Cancer :7 vital Screening Tests Every Woman Should endure

2. Cervical cancer - This starts as abnormality of cells on cervix and if not detected early or treated, it gradually invade general cells of the cervix and the surrounding tissues or lymph nodes which at last spreads to other parts of the body. If these lesions have not invaded general cells of the cervix, treatment is very straightforward and right forward. Since pre-cancerous changes of the cervix usually do not cause pain, they are not for real detected unless a woman takes a habit pelvic test and pap test.

This screening test should start from the age of 21, because it's sufficient both in early detection and arresting of cervical cancer. Recently the Fda has beloved a vaccine called Gardasil for girls and women in the middle of the ages of 13 and 28; it offers immunity against 4 strains of Hpv which is the virus that is commonly regarded as the prominent cause of cervical cancer.

3. Skin cancer - new researches have shown that the rate of occurrence of skin cancer, especially in women cannot be over emphasized and that the most dangerous form has been identified to be Melanoma. It is a malignancy that affects the cells that produces pigment in the skin. Skin cancer risks have been proved consistently to increase with over exposure to the sun and sunburn. habit screening of skin cancer by a dermatologist or other health care expert can go a long way in detection of this disease and early treatment can be effective.

4. High blood pressure screening - The persistent elevation of systolic blood pressure of more than 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90mmHg. It usually occurs when the blood pressure is forced through the arteries at an increased pressure. It is prevalent among adults in the middle of 35-60years of age and it can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney failure if not properly managed. The good news is that high blood pressure can be treated by quarterly monitoring and screening of the blood pressure to 120/80mmHg in adults. But without adequate treatment, the complications of high blood pressure are capable of reducing the life span of women and as a effect of this all indispensable preventive measure to lower the blood pressure must be embarked.

5. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes - This type of diabetes list for more than 80% of all diabetic diseases in men and women. Here the qoute is resistance to insulin rather than insufficient output of insulin and as a effect the body cells are not able to function properly. Early screening of type 2 diabetes has significantly help in detection and discount of some risk linked with the disease. Diabetes is anywhere and more habitancy are being diagnosed daily with statistics showing over 20million habitancy in United States to be diabetic and the amount still increasing.

6. Cholesterol level screening - Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in cell membranes and conveyable in the blood plasma of all animals. But a high level of cholesterol in the blood is a major risk factor of coronary heart disease, which can cause heart attack. Every woman should have their cholesterol checked at least once every 4years and any woman with a house history of heart diseases is all the time advised to go for screening every 2-3years.

7. Hiv screening test - Once Hiv enters the body, it damages the body by destroying exact blood cells Cd4+T cells which are crucial in helping body fight diseases. Researches have shown that some habitancy living with Hiv may appear and feel salutary for years, any way if they feel salutary Hiv is still attacking their bodies. Early detection of Hiv infection and immune law monitoring can greatly improve long-term health and knowing your Hiv status can help you change behaviors that can put you and others at risk.

By discussing screening tests with your doctor makes good health sense and this should be a habit part of every woman.

Brain Lesions Cancer :7 vital Screening Tests Every Woman Should endure

The Cholesterol Myth Simplified

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Anybody over the age of 50 probably feels that for the past twenty years or so, they've been continually hammered with advice to sacrifice the amount of cholesterol in their diet so as to prevent atherosclerosis (thickening of the arteries) and the likelihood of death from a stroke or heart-attack. Doctors, Nutritionists, the Giant Food-Producers and the Government remind us that "fat is a killer" and if we ignore their advice we'll be damned to suffer the mortal effects of heart disease.

It would be logical to assume then, that the advice is sound, well-reasoned and can be backed up by scientific research. But, behind the scenes the evidence doesn't seem to be as clear-cut as the propaganda proclaims. Agreeing to healing researchers, much of the findings on Coronary Heart Disease (Chd) have been misinterpreted, promulgated falsely and where truth indicates the contrary, covered up.

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In the mid 1920's when the imaginable life-expectancy was 60 years of age, coronary heart disease (Chd) had already become a major and unexplained health qoute in some of the developed countries. Insufficiency diseases such as rickets beriberi, pellagra and scurvy were also epidemic.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Cholesterol Myth Simplified

After decades of in-depth food study while which time vitamins, micro-nutrients and the constituents of protein were discovered, just before the advent of World War Ii in 1939, the British healing relationship released a report encouraging habitancy to eat more eggs, meat and dairy products (the Bma Diet) to ensure that the full spectrum of vitamins and other significant nutrients were being consumed on a daily basis.

Free, "full-cream" school milk programs were instituted and long before the introduction of antibiotics and childhood immunization, the improved diet seemed to have eliminated most of the deficiency-diseases and dramatically reduced the incidence of the childhood diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and diphtheria.

Other countries followed the British lead.

From the end of World War 2 in 1945 until 1975, due to the availability of cheap, sweetened, processed foods, Americans had doubled the amount of sugar in their diet to a whopping 118 pounds per person per year and rising. The amount of unhealthy, trans-isomer fats from fried fast-foods had also increased exponentially. At the same time, the "modern" diseases emerged: allergies, asthma, concentration deficit disorder, cancer and the diseases of excess − obesity and diabetes. Atherosclerosis and heart-disease were again on the rise.

Years earlier, in 1951, as a ensue of pathological study performed on American soldiers killed in the Korean War it had been discovered that 75% of them, with an mean age of only twenty-one years, exhibited extreme examples of developed heart-disease with significant numbers having at least one coronary artery thoroughly blocked by a fatty, fibrous substance containing cholesterol. Yet none of those affected had shown any symptoms of heart disease. Most alarming was the fact that historically, death from heart disease seldom occurred in anyone younger than 50 years of age.

Because autopsies on older habitancy who died from heart disease often had higher levels of blood-cholesterol than what was determined "normal" at the time, and sufferers of a fairly rare and normally hereditary disease called "familial hyper-cholesterolaemia" also seemed to suffer more from coronary heart disease, and the fact that cholesterol is present in most fats, it was hypothesized that fat and cholesterol might be to blame for heart-disease and atherosclerosis.

However, habitancy suffering with myxo-edema (hypo-thyroidism and excessive weight gain) or nephrosis (lesions of the epithelial lining of the renal tubules) also have elevated blood cholesterol levels but they don't have any higher incidence of coronary heart disease than the general population. Nor does high blood-cholesterol in habitancy over 60 years of age predict Chd.

By 1990, however, thanks to the improved health resulting from the Bma Diet, life expectancy had climbed from the estimated 60 years of age pre-World War Ii, to 75 years of age by 1990. But in the United States of America, coronary heart disease was raging out of control. The finger of culpability was again pointed at the excess fat in the fried foods consumed by Americans.

Almost forty years after the Korean War autopsies to pin America's heart-disease qoute specifically on "fat" and "cholesterol" in the diet? What was thoroughly ignored was the fact that Mediterranean countries, where habitancy ate a lot more high-cholesterol foods, didn't suffer anywhere near the same level of heart-disease as Americans did. No concept was given to the possibility that there might be "good" fat and "bad" fat or some other contributing factors!

Without any credible evidence, naturally because eggs, meat and dairy products contained fats and cholesterol, it was proclaimed that those same foods were causing heart disease!

How could that be? What's the basis for the accusation? naturally a hypothesis? Didn't the Bma suggest us to growth consumption of those same foods? What about the eradication of the diseases of deficiency?

Now, even though study has proven that not all fats are treated the same way in the body and we know a distinct amount of dietary fat is significant for good health, the preparation still blames fat and cholesterol in general, for the ongoing heart-disease problem.

Well, what, exactly, is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy type of fat artificial within the biological systems of all animals and is significant for life. The human body uses large quantities of cholesterol every day and the substance is so leading that, with the exception of the brain, all cells have the capability to make it from simpler substances within the body. It plays a role in intra-cellular transport, cell signaling and nerve to brain conduction. As body-cells die, cholesterol is a major building block from which the new cell-walls are made. It's also used to make hormones (including the sex hormones), bile acids and, in conjunction with sunlight on the skin, vitamin D 3.

Much of the facts on how cholesterol functioned within the human principles hadn't even been discovered when it was blamed as the cause of heart-disease!

It's fair to say that cholesterol is one of the most leading substances in the body. So, cholesterol, in and of itself, is not bad. In fact, for every 150 pounds (68 kg) of body-weight, there naturally exists within the human principles 3,500 mg of cholesterol. Each day, approximately 1,000 mg is synthesized to replace whatever had been used in general arterial fix and cellular activities.

However, cholesterol is also found in food, the best dietary sources being eggs, meat and dairy products. If we ingest more than the significant 1,000 mg, our organs naturally produce less so as to voice the general chemical balance. If our daily diet provides 250 mg of cholesterol, the "system" absorbs about 200 mg of it and passes the rest through as waste and will only synthesize 800 mg. There is no evidence that all dietary cholesterol ends up in the blood supply. And if less cholesterol is ingested, the principles compensates by production more, especially when the examine for arterial fix is excessive due to a faulty diet deficient in a usable form of Vitamin C.

We are the only animal that does not synthesize its own Vitamin C and it's the one vitamin that's significant to keep our skin and the arterial walls flexible and healthy. Damage to arteries can be caused by infectious bacteria or viruses and when a frailness in a wall is detected, cholesterol is conveyable directly from the liver within a Low Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) transporter and used to patch over the weak spot. After the fix is complete and Vitamin C levels are restored, High-Density Lipoproteins (Hdl) transport the used cholesterol back to the liver for recycling.

Over time, if the infection continues and Vitamin C levels are not normalized, excessive cholesterol patches may build up to the point where they block blood flow in the arteries. Those arterial blockages can lead to heart charge or stroke.

Even though most cardiovascular disease becomes evident after the age of 60, statistically, most habitancy over that age with elevated levels of cholesterol have fewer heart attacks than those with low cholesterol. It's also been shown that low levels of cholesterol put the body's immune-system at risk.

So, we know that an excessive build-up of cholesterol can cause blockages to the blood provide but we also know that the principles industry it in response to weaknesses and lesions in the arteries through which the blood flows. Clinical studies have shown that less than 20% of dietary cholesterol is absorbed into the blood-stream and the level of cholesterol in the blood is hardly affected by the amount of it in the foods we eat. So, regardless of how much cholesterol there might be in the diet, all of it is not absorbed into the blood-stream and there's no study to prove that dietary cholesterol causes elevated blood-cholesterol.

The actual and more significant causes of coronary heart disease leading to high blood-cholesterol being the messenger of the problem, are:

Tobacco use

Lack of exercise




Hereditary factors

Faulty diet, high in simple carbohydrates.

If all of those are corrected, cholesterol levels normalize.

So, it's not a matter of what's in the diet, but more a case of what's not being in case,granted whether through Insufficiency in the diet or poor absorption. Instead of basing the blame on a flawed hypothesis, wouldn't it be a stronger "hypothesis" to blame the cholesterol build-up on the fundamental cause due to the dietary Insufficiency that triggered the body to make more cholesterol than on the cholesterol itself?
If a car is leaking gasoline due to a rusted out fuel tank, is the gasoline the problem?

Instead of laying the blame on an essential, natural substance and merely eliminating the messenger (high blood-cholesterol) of a more serious possible qoute − atherosclerosis or heart disease, wouldn't it make more sense to charge the cause of the excessive cholesterol build-up, which, would seem to be an ongoing frailness or damage in the artery walls maybe caused by a nutrient or vitamin deficiency.

Yet Government Agencies, food clubs and the media continue to warn against "fat and cholesterol in the diet". And, in so doing, instead of addressing the cause of the qoute (dietary deficiencies) they're merely treating a indication of illness (the excessive build-up of cholesterol) with drugs and the complete elimination of some of the most significant nutrients for our prolonged health and well-being.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Cholesterol Myth Simplified

The Effects Of Alcoholism In Marriage

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According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1996), alcoholism is defined as a disease condition due to the excessive use of alcoholic beverages. While Silvertein in his book 'Alcoholism' (1990) gives three criteria that the American Psychiatric relationship listed for physicians to diagnose alcoholism as follows:

1. Physiological problems, such as hand tremors and blackouts.
2. Psychological problems, such as an obsessive desire to drink.
3. Behavioral problems that disrupt social or work life.

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Traditionally, addiction is defined as being possible only to a psychoactive substance (for example alcohol, tobacco, or drugs), which is ingested, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and alters the natural chemical behavior of the brain temporarily. Alcoholism can be of any age, background, revenue level, social, or ethnic group. Even the very educated population are not spared. An alcoholic can totally disrupt house life and can cause harmful effects that can last a lifetime. Parental alcoholism may work on the fetus even before a child is born. Because crime and violence are associated with alcoholism, incest and battering are coarse in alcoholics' families. Male alcoholics are wife beaters.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Effects Of Alcoholism In Marriage

"Alcoholism also has other negative effects on the spouse of an alcoholic. The spouse may have feelings of hatred, self-pity, avoidance of social contacts, and may suffer exhaustion and come to be physically and mentally ill." (Berger, 1993) Peter and Esther Jones lived with their four children in Lagos. Sadly, however, Peter's alcoholism caused the home to break up. He returned home virtually every night so drunk that he would turn the volume of both their radio and television sets to the top levels. When his wife appealed to him to turn down the volume so as not to disturb the sleeping children and neighbors, he got her beaten up mercilessly. Ant time she demanded for money to buy food for the family, he claimed he had no money.

This was the routine with Peter and Esther until; she decided to take the easy way out. One fateful morning, she left home, and never returned. Peter never realized that he had lost his wife forever. He returned home everyday, expecting to see that she had come back to him. But as it moderately dawned on him that she would never come home to him again, he became so overwhelmed that he increased his drinking. On his way home one night after his drinking spree, he was knocked down by a hit-and-run driver and he died later in the hospital.

The four children were thus left to themselves. Neighbors helped the much they could but they could not live on their good grace forever. Soon enough, the eldest child, a girl, got complex with a notorious criminal in the neighborhood who offered to help her bear some of her burdens at home. The second girl ran away from home nobody knew where she was. The only boy soon started interesting colse to with delinquents in the area and ended up living in the street. He became a road urchin. The third girl and the last child died while committing an abortion.

Alcohol affects each member of the house - from the unborn child to the alcoholic's spouse. Its devastating effects corollary in not only corporal problems for the alcoholics, but also may corollary in corporal and psychological problems for other members of the house as stated above. In some cases this question has led to separation and its unpleasant consequences. Alcohol impairs judgment, memory, attentiveness and coordination, can induce extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts. This is why an alcoholic is totally unpredictable. Alcohol acts as a sedative on the central nervous system, depressing the nerves cells in the brain, dulling, altering and damaging their quality to respond. Large doses of alcohol has the possible to cause sleep, anesthesia, respiratory failure, and in extreme cases coma and death. Long term drinking may corollary in permanent thinking disorders and addiction to alcohol.

Alcohol affects efficient functioning of the brain especially alertness and the quality to make quick decisions and interesting in complex tasks. So do not drive after drinking; many population have died because of this. Do not operate machines along with generators after drinking, you can cause costly accidents. Do not teach your children after drinking; you may never collect your respect.

Some other effects on the central nervous ideas comprise impaired optic ability, unclear hearing, dull smell and taste, loss of pain perception, slower reactions, altered sense of time and space, and impaired motor skills and slurred speech. Alcohol distorts foresight and the quality to adjust to lights. It diminishes the quality to distinguish in the middle of sounds and to comprehend their direction. Alcohol can also lower resistance to infection. The body gets rid of alcohol in general by the operation of the liver enzymes that change it into products that can be passed out in urine. The bodies of some alcoholics have enhanced this function and can tolerate more alcohol than light drinkers and teetotalers. However heavy may cause inflammation and destruction of liver cells, prominent to cirrhosis (irreversible lesions, scarring and destruction of liver) it impairs the liver's quality to remove yellow pigment resulting in skin appearing yellow (jaundiced).. Liver damage causes fluid to build in extremities (Edema). The liver accumulates fat over a period of time, due to the continued drinking which can cause liver failure. Think of the high cost of medical attentiveness that will be required when sickness has set in on the funds of the family.

Abuse of alcohol weakens the heart muscle and its quality to pump. The heart can be enlarged or abnormal and beat irregularly as a result. Blood pressure is increased with all the attendant problems such as risk of heart charge and strokes and the possible to inhabit the production of white and red blood cells. Alcohol interferes with the body's quality to discharge calcium resulting in bones being weak, soft and brittle. Muscles come to be weaker and could shrink in size or waste away (atrophy). Alcohol affects the functioning of some of the hormones in our bodies. For example, it inhibits anti-diuretic hormone (Adh) and makes you want to urinate frequently (diuresis). Sexual functioning can be impaired, resulting in impotence and infertility which can be irreversible. Women that abuse alcohol have been known to have the possible to originate breast cancer.

Drinking while reproduction significantly increases the occasion of delivering a baby with fetal Alcoholic Syndrome; small head, possible brain damage, abnormal features, poor muscle tone, sleep and speech disorders and retarded growth and development. Because alcohol circulates to all parts of the body, it affects the operation of many drugs and chemicals in the body. Alcohol changes the functioning of cell membranes and the functioning of drug receptors on cell membranes and affects the way nerves and muscle fibers function. For this reason, it can be said to be a two-edge sword. It can prevent the operation of good and desirable drugs. It can also prevent the operation of bad and undesirable poisons.

Alcohol loosens the mouth and makes the someone say things he shouldn't have said in sober mood. This can make the alcoholic of course get into trouble. This also makes him prone to telling lies in order to get out of trouble.

Brain Lesions Cancer :The Effects Of Alcoholism In Marriage